Corporate Workshops & Talks

Career Coach Dublin Galway Cork Belfast Ireland

Having spent over a decade working in the corporate sector in a range of high pressured and challenging positions at both senior and management level, Angela understands importance of taking ownership of your career wellbeing, career satisfaction and career progression.

Angela has over a decade experience of public speaking and audience engagement through her corporate career and career consulting business. Angela regularly speaks to a myriad of career topics across media, events and through corporate consulting.

Angela can provide corporate consulting for your employees / members through a bespoke workshop, talk or programme relevant to your audience.

The following topics have been of interest so far to organisations:

  • How to take ownership of your Career Wellbeing

  • Motivate your working week

  • Sack the Sunday night fear

  • Working beyond the ‘to do’ list

  • Staying connected in a hybrid world

  • Setting yourself up for success

  • Approaching your work & career with confidence

  • Managing overwhelm & motivation at work

  • Finding career clarity for your path ahead

  • Owning your career path and progression

  • CV, LinkedIn & application strategy

  • Approaching the Interview with confidence

  • Goal setting, motivation and vision Board

Get in touch to discuss your corporate consulting requirements by e-mailing